Review of Moonlight

Moonlight (I) (2016)
A brave tale told in a bold and unique manner.
16 August 2020
Moonlight is a tender exploration of sexuality and self-acceptance. A parable of life in underprivileged ghettos of society, told with the upmost delicacy and respect. Whilst Moonlight focuses on the American working class black community, it's moral theme of cyclical self-depreciation and desperation could be retold in any home devoid of love or community lacking hope. Given the subject matter Moonlight could have been an arduously grim experience. However Jenkins crafts Moonlight masterfully, punctuating the bleak storyline with sumptuous cinematography and a juxtaposing classical score. Told through three snapshots of Chiron's coming of age, a uniformly superb cast keep us engaged. Part of the viewers frustration at Chiron is that he misses the glimmers of hope - such as the tender hearted acceptance of Juan and Teresa. Whilst it's far from the stereotypical Oscar winner chock full of barn-storming dramatics and elongated "nomination bait" speeches, Moonlight's subtlety sticks with you. A brave tale told in a bold and unique manner.
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