Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face consists mainly of her performances on "The Hollywood Palace"
12 August 2020
Just watched this on Amazon Prime. It mainly consists of Ms. Diller in clips from "The Hollywood Palace" though I'm guessing the one with Dean Martin was from his own show. Ms. Diller is quite amusing whether doing some numbers like her version of "I Feel Pretty" at the beginning with many top-hatted men, or performing with Don Rickles who, of course, is often funny with his ad-libs. She also does a number with The King Family (the female side, of course) who wear their hair just like Ms. Diller! Then there's a beach party number with Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello, and-I couldn't believe it-Phil Harris! In some of the clips, Ms. Diller repeats some of her jokes and I laughed a little both times. Some of the funniest lines concerns her hubby "Fang". The show ends with her playing the piano which she seemed serious about since she didn't joke or make any off-key notes on the instrument. In summary, Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face was pretty entertaining.
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