No Good Deed (2020 TV Movie)
Absolutely Terriblet
12 August 2020
I have started this review a few times now trying to think of something positive to say. But I can't. This movie was terrible from start to finish. And I hate reviews that simply just say terrible or great without going into a bit of detail as to which part and why. But this movie is simply terrible in every aspect from the writing, the casting, the set, and the filmography. Actually wait. The part where Lance (Jason Deline) gets out of his car and the shot from the ground up and catches the flags and sun is a good camera shot. But thats it. The actor playing Max an only pray that every trace of this movie is erased and no future casting directors at home wind of his involvement and he would be wise to leave it off of any resume. As for everyone else. I mean less than mediocre acting and character development. The budget for this film I'm guessing was lower than what the deadbeat tenant owed in rent. And I'm guessing the majority of that was spent on the Tesla rental and the $5 Walmart Kicks they tried to pass off as some amazing trendy high class designer sneaker. I guess I will leave it there.
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