Made in Italy (2020)
Synopsis and review
11 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched that movie, Made in Italy, yesterday. It was sweet and sad (it is a father/son movie and the mother died in a car accident when the son was a young boy and it is about their strained relationship since. The house in Tuscany is where they spent his childhood days. The dad has not been able to go back since the car accident, but the son wants to sell it to get his share of the money so he can buy the art gallery he works at owned by his soon to be ex inlaws.) I feel like it was beautifully filmed because Tuscany, of course, is so freaking beautiful and there is a lot of long lingering shots of the landscape and the house itself is a charming, dilapidating thing but becomes beautiful again. The other thing that makes it particularly sad is that in real life the actor who plays the Dad (Liam Neesen) lost his wife (Natasha Richardson - the actress who played the mom in the movie The Parent Trap w/Lindsey Lohan) to a skiing accident and it is his real son playing the son in the movie so the emotions seem so real. It makes it particularly poignant and sad. I liked it a lot though. It has some humorous and fun moments so it isn't a tear-fest. Micheál Richardson was believable and endearing. He possesses an air of self-assurance, which is quite attractive.
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