Superman: The Animated Series: Solar Power (1997)
Season 2, Episode 11
Lois and Angela--OR Angela and Lois
3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The hostage scene fell flat Jimmy sharing it with Lois, TOO predictable a pairing, would have been more interesting WITH ANGELA CHEN. She was the show's Summer Gleeson who NEVER GOT KIDNAPPED, just brief broadcasting, in more proportionately 1/3rd to 1/4th for Summer. According to the show' s website, never shown, there was ANTAGONISM between her and Lois and should been made the centerpiece here--"I want in on this." "Look, Gossip Girl, IF I hear Luminous is dating a movie star I'll let you know." They run into each other sneaking into his hideout--"Angela, go find some desk to READ news behind while I REPORT it." "I wonder, Lois, which is bigger than the Planet building, your ego---OR YOUR MOUTH!." They get ZAPPED, hung up, "Well two NOISY than nosey reporters," Luminous laughs mockinngly while they gagged GLARE at each other. After rescue each reports SHE caught Luminous despite the OTHER's bungling, Lois smashes, kicks TV, breaks foot, Angela tears up paper rams fist into wall, breaking arm. As they sit GLARING across reporting room at each other in casts, Clark too nervous to move, gets show stopping from behind, "Excuse me, I was asked to come over from Gotham to substitute for Angela until she recovers," Clark turns around--SUMMER GLEESON!
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