Solid, well-executed action film.
30 July 2020
It´s just the most awesome low budget movie ever ! I´ve worked on this movie, and let me tell you, director Rui Constantino is a visionary, this man has great ideas to take a movie from the beggining to end with great intensity and wisdom. It´s a real team effort, and i´m very proud to have worked in a movie like this. There's a tremendous atmosphere as the mercenaries enter the jungle, it's like another world and straight away the audience is thrown out of its seat, when the first attack begins. The score needs mentioning, because it´s a great tribute to the original Predator. This movie is full of easter eggs of tribute to the Predator franchise, so look out for them. The alien creature is so cool and awesome, full of pratical effects, weapons and all. This is by far my favorite movie i´ve worked on.

So for me it is a definite 10 out of 10.
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