A promising first film.
29 July 2020
A modern-day Noir horror film, with liberal borrowings from Mexican wrestling movie lore, the arcane horror of HP Lovecraft and later Lovecraftians, and explorer films like The Lost World and King Kong. A scientific/archaeological expedition goes to deepest darkest Mexico and accidentally unleashes Hell on Earth. Old gods, revived rituals, and an awakened Queen who hungers for blood. Will humanity survive?

Warning: this was shot MOS, then dubbed. The creators of the "Amplified Universe" wanted this movie to seem like a Mexican wrestling film from the 1950s or early 1960s. It's very disorienting, but you eventually settle into it and it's just one of the many high weirdnesses on tap.

The black-and-white cinematography, shot with consumer-grade video cameras, is strikingly good considering everything. Someone paid attention in film history class when they were talking about German Expressionism and Noir horror. (original Cat People, The Black Cat, The Seventh Victim, etc.)

All in all, give it a chance. It's difficult, but fun, and there are bits of humor pitched to horror fans that will give you a few chuckles while you follow the many bloody threads in the film.
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