Armchair travelling
25 July 2020
This is an enjoyable "B" or, perhaps, "B-"film. I'm sure the cast had a marvellous holiday in Hong Kong, if only they had been there to make a better film. Rupert Davis did sterling work as Sanders, the police commissioner The four famous actors who played the dragons are woefully underused and could only have accepted the parts for the paid holiday, as the roles are just cameos. The only mystery is the Bob Cummings character (who would have been better suited to a different film) This character is clearly far more than the dizzy playboy that he purports to be but we are never told what. He does tell Sanders, who immediately treats him as an equal, but we come in at the end of that conversation and only hear Sanders' calling him a "strange duck" (not "doc" as stephenabell suggests).

The actors do what they can, the faults are caused by the writer and director.

I can imagine watching this film again but not for a few years.
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