Most underrated Anime there is. It's perfection
24 July 2020
Loved this quick 24 episode journey so much. It's a fantastic story about revolution that pulls all the punches.

This show does an amazing job blurring the line between good guys and bad guys. You can see the merits of both in every battle.

This show also does a great job of showing that like in real life, the good guys dont win every battle, and you lose friends along the way in war. There is no plot armor in this series, which is unbelievably refreshing for anime. You go into each battle not knowing who is going to win or lose, whereas in shows like My Hero Academia and Dragonball Z, you know they are going to win, you are just watching to see how.


Excellent fight scenes, maybe the best I've seen Shows the merits of both particpants in the battle Wonderful characters who interact in a engrossing way Spectacular story No plot armor Ends wonderfully


Some of the "breasts bouncing in battle" scenes are a bit much That's it though, it's near perfect in my eyes

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