LA 92 (2017)
23 July 2020
Why show ALL of the clips of police wrongdoing that they could find in LA??...then not show any of the police helping people of color which happens EVERYDAY??...Why only show one side? They try to explain away all of the destruction that they caused afterwards...They try to make you think that the police act horribly everyday...and that they are just out to beat people...which is obviously just not true...

So was it a bad decision from the court? Absolutely....But there have been MANY cases where the other side did not win when they should have....but they fail to show those of course....The media only focuses on police brutality when its someone of color....why dont they show the other way around? Cops are more likely to die everyday than the other way around...but of course they do not tell you about those...Because that does not fit their narrative...They want people of color to hate the police...I can not blame them for hating the police though...since all they see on tv is just that...But blame is to be had for how they handle the situation afterwards....Two wrongs dont make a right....

Point is, people need to start defunding the media instead...and the only way to do that is to change the channel...Peace
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