Extraordinary (2017)
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep I Prey Kirk Cameron My Soul To Keep
22 July 2020
Oh Kirk. Oh Kirk. Oh Kirk. My love for you grows stronger with every step closer I take to my fiery eternal fate. The heat of a thousand lakes of fire cannot compare to the heat of my love which burns for you. Only as I stand in your divine judgement do I feel like even half a man. This movie is perfection. Rocky, Rudy, Cinderella Man.... none of them had an ounce of the heart contained in five minutes of this cinematic masterpiece. Kirk makes me believe that if he wins that final race he wins his place in eternity where he can finally look down on us all with every bit of his disdain for us and our heathen, hedonistic lives. Oh Kirk! You're no Ricky Schroeder but you'll do just fine!
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