Review of Thunder Road

Thunder Road (2018)
Different and quirky doesn't always add up to excellent.
18 July 2020
I looked up this movie for one reason, only a day before I had watched Jocelyn DeBoer in "Greener Grass", the first I have seen of her, and was totally taken by how good she was in that one. So I naturally wondered how she would be in this one. It turns out her role as the estranged wife of officer Arnaud is not a very large one so she doesn't really stand out in this one.

"Thunder Road" is the brainchild of Jim Cummings who wrote, directed, and stars as Austin Texas police officer Jim Arnaud. As other reviewers have said the various scenes don't always connect into a broader story, the main feature is the bipolar nature of officer Arnaud. At times he will be calm and professional then some small thing will trigger him and he will become totally emotional and out of control. While this provides some interest by the end of the movie it has gotten old.

For me the best part of the movie was the character played by Kendal Farr, as the 9-yr-old daughter Crystal Arnaud. She is very cute and her acting is always spot on for the situation.

I found this to be an interesting take on mental illness but some of the extended screaming was hard to take, the "mute" button came in handy. I rate it as a mostly marginal movie, interesting to some but not to most general audiences.

I watched it streaming from Amazon via Roku.
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