A Fire Breathing Flying Turtle vs a Bloodsuckin' Bat!
17 July 2020
Gamera vs Gyaos is one of the best films from the Gamera series and is just a great monster film in general. I mean, it has a giant flying turtle who breathes fire vs a giant vampire bat who can shoot lasers, what's not to love?


A volcanic eruption causes a giant bat creature named Gyaos to emerge from a mountain. Right away, Gyaos begins causing mayhem. He starts eating people, and he also can fire lasers that can slice through anything like paper. When Gyaos attempts to eat a little boy, Gamera flies down to stop Gyaos' reign of terror. Gyaos fires his laser at Gamera's arm, causing it to spew out green blood. Gamera then goes into the ocean to recover from his injuries. This gives Gyaos time to destroy a city. But Gamera comes back to battle with Gyaos again. They end up in the water, where Gamera bites down on Gyaos' foot, tearing it off and causing purple blood to spill out. Gyaos then goes back into his cave to regenerate his foot. The scientists then create a plan to lure Gyaos with a vat of blood so they could then give Gamera some time to attack him. This then leads to the 3rd and final battle between Gamera and Gyaos.

All in all, this is quite an entertaining monster film. It's not up to the level of quality of the Godzilla movies, but it's still enjoyable. It never really drags and gets boring. There is quite a bit of monster action here, consisting of 3 different battles between the two monsters, and each gets even better than the last. There is also a surprising amount of blood and gore for what would be considered a more kid friendly film. Gamera gets quite vicious at times, especially when we see him bite into Gyaos' neck and tear off some of his flesh. There's plenty of blood spills here, but it's all either green or purple in order to make it less realistic. The special effects are also pretty decent in this film. The rubber suits do look a little cheap, and their eyes also look like they are illuminated using LED lights, however the monster suits are decent all things considered. I also think that the monster featured in this movie, Gyaos, is one of the coolest kaiju from the Gamera series. Gyaos would become known as Gamera's arch nemesis, and he would appear in several other Gamera films including the trilogy from the 90's. I also think it's cool how Gamera is essentially fighting a vampire, with Gyaos being a bat that is shown to crave human blood and fear sunlight. It adds more horror elements to the film. It is also rumored that Daiei studios got the idea for Gyaos after Toho had used a giant version of the Frankenstein monster in the epicly titled "Frankenstein Conquers The World", so Daiei decided to add in their own horror themed monster with a vampire bat to pay homage to Dracula. Overall, I find this film to be very entertaining, and it is also a pretty solid kaiju monster film. I give it a 6/10. It's nothing amazing, but it is a great 60's monster flick that's worth a watch.
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