MILF (2018)
Not a good film, and not a comedy
17 July 2020
This is one of those movies where each scene by itself is fine, as are the actors and the scenery, but all those scenes put together make for a senseless boring misogynistic story that is not even tied together at the end. And, it's not funny, there was exactly one moment in the film where I laughed (and, mostly because I was waiting to laugh for an hour by that point), all the rest of it was tedious drama and awkward moments that one keeps hoping would end up making some sense at the end, but they never do. What a loss of time. Another problem with this film is the way it portrays women of (all ages) as weak, clingy, hung up on men, ready to sleep with anyone willing and then getting obsessed with them. The only way a woman, according to this film, can leave a man is when another man takes her away from him. Men take women or leave them, women have no agency and no core. Even the female friendship, which is supposed to be central to the story, is shown as being shallow and fickle - it's not a friendship, it's a tolerance or usage, when it's convenient. I am disappointed with this movie, especially because it employs a good acting crew, and I feel sorry for the women who played in it. For the men too, in fact. Save yourself some time and skip this sorry attempt at humor. Go watch Pretty Ugly People on youtube, if you want an engaging relationships comedy.
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