One of the great British history/biography-based miniseries from the golden age
17 July 2020
Between approximately 1974 and 1983 (or 1987), Britain produced a number of impeccable, superb history-based or biographical miniseries. This is one of them.

Based on Vera Brittain's memoir of the same title, it follows her life from 1913 to 1925. It covers her young ambitions under the stifling control of her provincial parents; the war years of struggle, maturation, and loss; and her life and ambitions and successes after the war.

Cheryl Campbell is outstanding as Vera.

If you have enjoyed the other outstanding history or biographical British miniseries produced during this golden age -- Fall of Eagles, Jenny Lady Randolph Churchill, Edward the King (aka Edward VII), I Claudius, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (fiction but still one of the golden-age miniseries), Brideshead Revisited (ditto), Churchill: The Wilderness Years, Reilly Ace of Spies, and Fortunes of War -- and are longing for more, do check this out.
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