Highlander: Rite of Passage (1994)
Season 3, Episode 5
Duncan has his work cut out for him
17 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I personally thought this was a very interesting episode. It deals with another new immortal, Michele, who Duncan knew was destined to become immortal since she was very young. The topic of new immortals is never fully explained in Highlander and so it was interesting to see this episode play out. Duncan was trying to help This new immortal who was confused and afraid but also who was a rebellious teenager. She refuses to accept the reality that her life will change completely because she is now an immortal. Eventually Duncan and Axel face each other in battle, even though there is a witness watching them. Not a problem since the person watching them fight is new immortal Michelle and she needs to see this, to see first hand what happens in an immortal's life, if he or she is to go on living. Duncan could have taught Michelle how to fight and use a sword, but I'm glad that Amanda agreed to teach Michele because Amanda has been around for 1,200 years and she knows how to survive. We never see Michelle again in the Highlander series. it would have been interesting to see her later and to see how her training with Amanda had gone. It would have been interesting to see Michelle's development as an immortal.
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