Review of Hanna

Hanna (2019– )
75% is made by Top notch filmmakers take a break and the other 25% B movie masters take over
15 July 2020
I'm still trying to figure it out what happened here and what I mean by the headline. I also think people saying the second season is action packed really threw me off. It's not. It's more of a thriller. I get they wanted to humanize some of the characters, but episodes 4-5 almost put me in a coma from boredom. The first 3 were intense and the final 3 were really good. There's a lot of mistakes made and lessons not learned by the characters and it was driving me crazy. You'll see. It felt like the budget was slashed or something also. Something just felt off. It was like there was a grade A filmmaking crew was shooting this and they would go on break and film school would take over for a few scenes here and there and suddenly everything is laughable or just really bad. Esme Creed-Miles is about the only constant that stays good even in these bad scenes. Like there's a shootout that's going really good with great effects and it was like they called timeout and finished the scene in a kitchen that looked like it was shot in one take on a smartphone, if you read this before watching the last episode pay attention to this scene. There's a extra baddie that catches on fire in the kitchen scene that is absolutely so bad it's hilarious. Even Enos and Mulroney are all over the place. It's weird. In the end I enjoyed it, but it's way overhyped and it's not action packed. So just know that going in. Even the IGN review said action packed. I'm really trying to tell you it's not action packed so you know this from the get. You'll enjoy it much more. I know I would have.
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