A fine kiddie amateur show !
13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A genuinely funny short, worth a view for sure. It shows the wild world of the mid 1930's children amateur talent stage show craze. What went on with the parents planning everything and of course wanting their child to win the prize. With some parents going over the top with their kid. The Master-of-ceremonies only caring that the audience has a good time and returns for more night's out at his theater and not showing to much caring for the children who are in the show. "Beginner's Luck" showcases the stage mother in particular and how they acted with their children and making them perform in a show where they don't want anything to do with at all. Thru a series of odd circumstances the son that doesn't want to win and has his friends show up to destroy his act has a change of mind and now wants to win the prize for a little girl that falls victim to a bad case of stage fright. The girl needed the prize money to buy a special dress that she wants. The boy asks permission of his mom if he wins can he give the girl the prize. She wholeheartedly agrees and is asked to speak to the son's friends and stop their assault. She has no idea their is a plot in place and doesn't convince to boys to stop their barrage. The boy steps out and is assailed by peashooters and noisemakers, all to the joy of the audience who laugh at his plight. All are in hysterics except the mother who demands her precious son be taken off and stop being a laughing stock. The MC refuses as the audience are in a riotous state. The woman walks behind the stage curtain hidden from the audience view and tries to get her little darling off with a stage pole. Her attempts only add to the level of laughter coming from the audience as she trips her son and sticks the pole into a electrical socket giving her a shock. She soldiers on furiously and grabs his boot and pulls him towards as she has almost pulled him back to where she can grab him her mother ,who is standing on the stage wing notices that here is a hook dangling off the curtain. The mother is so involved in her task she isn't aware there is a hook between her legs in the middle of her shoes and her dress hem. The old woman has a great idea to teach her daughter a valuable lesson and asks the MC if she can raise the curtain knowing what's going to happen. The curtain goes up so does the mother's dress and she winds up frozen on stage as the audience rip in all out screams. He son tries to save her dignity and pulls a prop in front of her only to have it backfire as it has the body of a squatting dog with the mother's head on top. The whole short makes a silly stuffed shirt stage mother get hers as the tables are turned on her. The little girl wins her dress as the mother looses her's on stage. It's made to show a stage mother getting the works and being taught a lesson.
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