Not much good in it
13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am not lying about the title. This is rather long.

I am not a fan of TTG. I do, however, like TT. I hate this movie, though, and the reason is not because its Teen Titans GO (but honestly, that is why I doubted it). I gave it a chance though and all I can say is that I wish for my time back.

This spoils some crucial plot elements and a full-ish description of the plot is at the end.

Now the most jarring problem. The animation is choppy. The animation really rears its ugly head when the Teen Titans (not GO) get introduced. Ugh. The animation is choppy, but it literally looks like one frame was placed at the beginning, then the inbetween frame was chopped into threes and then the end frame. Technically speaking, the animation is better, but creatively speaking, it sucks.

The plot is rather interesting on paper if you remove the Santa Claus part, and even the santa claus part could be executed well. None of that is executed well, either. Its not even that it was executed poorly, it was just bad. I could sit through it, but probably because I spent most of my time pointing out its flaws. The execution was less than stellar. For example, the TTG Titans act like normal, I guess, the TT Titans are flawed, especially Robin and Starfire, but especially Starfire. The first fight scene was pretty boring and the jokes were jokes? I think I would find a documentary about frogs funnier. I like the rhyming in the songs or something but the songs (and the TT Titans and Starfires) are hard to sit through, damn. Robin rapping is horrendous, damn. I guess this was supposed to be comedy or parody maybe but I can't tell, because its hard to tell "joke" from actual line. The characters' wits and likability seem to fluctuate up and down and are often hand in hand, specifically for the TTG characters. There were some interesting moments in the movie, not gonna lie and say it was boring, and the writing was rather cool. The TTG Titans being themselves ruined the moments though. I know they are being in character, but that is what happens when your characters are stupid. Oh, and to the fight scenes. They are boring. All of them.

Character. Robin and Starfire of TT are out of character. Starfire in TT was naive but she could be serious when the time came. TT Starfire is TTG Starfire but less childish and a bit more serious. TT Robin when interacting with TTG Robin is just.. bad. There is a problem in it. His character just changes, especially at the end. All throughout the interaction with Robin, its clear that Robin cant stand TTG Robin and honestly, why do they keep trying to put something in it.

The conclusion, mainly the conclusion of TTG Raven's internal conflict is what I am here to talk about. The internal conflict was very interesting, with Raven battling her inner demons (ha haa). It would have been great if the show didnt immediately reset to the status quo. It could have at least changed something due to the events of the show, but literally everything is entirely the same. The external conclusion was rather boring and forgettable. Even rewatching the movie. Rewatching the movie, TTG Raven basically turned the ending into agar.io. I would say Raven transforming is cool but it wasnt and neither was the "epic" final fight. For me, fights require fast paced motion and hits, or at least cool hits and IMPACT. This has unnecessary garbage where it doesnt need to be (all the slow motion). This is boring to watch. The animation makes it look sad. The fights are generally just boring and do not offer much. They dont offer much impact

Overall, it had something but that something is lost, making a boring and forgettable movie. Mostly boring. I would rather watch a romantic comedy cause most of them are strung together consistently and the characters actually stay in character.

I do like some things though. The theme song at the beginning. The Darkseid thing was cool and all and the Titans casually ignoring destruction made me smile as well as some of the other jokes and moments. The Robin wombat joke and the world smells like gatbage joke made me laugh. the fact they acknowledged all the differences between the shows, whilst it doesnt make for cool differences, it does show how their personalities clash, which I like and how their worlds really are different. Robin's plan makes sense when he explains it and anyone can understand it. On paper, the fact that they are talking about Santa Claus sounds sad on paper, but I find Santa is the best part of this. Its interesting how its not some guy built for this, but rather, a character who moreso suits the secondary villain role. He has a personal vendetta with the Titans, acknowledging past events previously occurring in TTG. TTG Robin being jealous of the other Robin when he does better is in character (see TTG episode Super Robin). I like how the Starfires in the first song say "B" which means b**ch. It references some old Teen Titans material. Both Trigons are in character mostly. I also do like how they summon past forms of the Titans that have appeared both here and in the past episodes in the external conclusion.

read carefully: below is the plot. The full plot. Or at least most of it. This review contains spoilers but below are elements of the plot. Plot points, if you may. Please, read on only if you want to.

The kinda full plot kinda in its entirety: Today's plot is that Raven cracks her gem after defeating the Gentleman Ghost. So the TTG characters are kidnapped by mysterious figures (later revealed to be the Titans) to fight. Eventually its down to Raven v Raven. The battle proves to be a fake, set up by both of the Trigon characters because they noticed that the TTG Raven cracked her gem, which, once it breaks, will unleash the power needed to fully revive TT Trigon (he is missing a leg). The Ravens are taken by the Trigon characters and held whilst the other Titans think of a plan to retrieve the Worlogog, the device used to see the best versions of heroes and bring them over. The Ravens escape the Trigon characters and wonder the streets of TT Jump City doing something, back to the Titans. Some stuff happens, the Starfires sing a song about working together which is reminiscent of late 80s early 90s rap by Kid N' Play and fashion clearly done by Salt N' Pepa, the TTG characters sing a song about how fun Worlogog is to pronounce and how the Teen Titans need to mellow out and chill every once in a while and the plan is worked out (forgot the order, but it definitely wasnt that). They have go to Santa Claus and have to defeat him and take the Worlogog (it only makes sense that only he has the other one since he seems to be able to travel so quickly to every good boy and girl in the world). I wont get into the details of everything but they take it, get to the Trigons (forgot how), summon all versions of the Titans and defeat the Trigons and Raven says she will treat her demons better. I dont generally remember around the end.
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