Perry Mason: Chapter Three (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Well Chapter 3 was another disappointment!
12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As the old saying goes I bet Earl Stanley Gardner is rolling over in his grave as this new rewrite of Perry Mason is nothing like the man/lawyer Gardner wrote about. I guess from remarks made again about Perry being gay then seeing him out Lupe, this Perry is bi-sexual. This whole show has been a big disappointment from Chapter 1 to Chapter 3. It is not that the time period is moved from the TV's shows that covered the years 1957-1966. The from the 1980's to 1990's as movies with some of the cast as the TV show. This whole show is more like the old radio version of Perry Mason that was more soap opera then lawyer courtroom drama. In fact when CBS ask Gardner for permission to move the radio show to TV Gardner refused as he did not like the way the radio show was nothing like his books! However CBS was undaunted, in fact CBS moved the radio show to TV! CBS just renamed it The Edge Of Night and changed Perry Mason into the lawyer Mike Carr this was in 1956. It was in 1957 that Gardner allowed Perry Mason to be made into the iconic TV show/movies most will remember. The little courtroom action we have seen is rather lame and while I like John Lithgow his performance in Perry Mason is more akin to his appearance in the mockumentary or docucomedy which ever term you prefer for Trial and Error. There are some good actors in this version of Perry Mason it just a shame that the writing is a waste of their talents!
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