The X-Files: First Person Shooter (2000)
Season 7, Episode 13
I think I see what they were trying to do but it failed
8 July 2020
I didn't see the director's commentary on this particular episode, but I can see how this could sound like a good idea. I think they didn't know where to put humour and where to make it serious to make the episode work either. It seems like they were ridiculing a typical male behaviour, making fun of men basically, but the techno part is so very weak, it's hard to overlook it; it kinda ruins it. I didn't expect better from Gibson, really, he is a bit overrated. Then you have zero likeable guest stars, another problem. The look of the game itself... pretty bad. Also, why Jade kills the first guys almost instantly but toys around with Mulder? And when the door opened for Scully, Mulder could have easily left the game with her and we wouldn't have to witness the ultimate cringe-fest that followed that. The dialogue is bad throughout but the last minute voice over? Gawd. I do believe the AI theme could have generated an amazing episode. Shame.
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