Christmas in Rome (2019 TV Movie)
Christmas love letter to Rome
7 July 2020
Christmas has always been my favourite time of year. One of my all time favourite holidays was going to Italy (Verona, Venice and Sirmione), so was very excited to see it again and it is always great to see any part of Italy on film or television. Lacey Chabert is another Hallmark regular leading lady and she is often watchable. Did not have many hopes at all for the story, which sounded like typical Hallmark and it seems that a lot of viewers felt that too.

To me, 'Christmas in Rome' was worthwhile and above average. The production values and acting are what saves it, how could anybody not love Rome ever and 'Christmas in Rome' does nothing to change this feeling. The story is pretty much as expected, so pretty much the component that to me seemed likely on paper to be the one to bring 'Christmas in Rome' down was in actuality what brought it down. One is best looking elsewhere if they want great dialogue here too. But despite saying that there are a lot of great things here.

First and foremost, the production values. 'Christmas in Rome's' biggest star is Rome (and it is the actual location this time) itself, which is nothing short of stunning. The camera clearly loves the locations too, because it is just as beautiful to watch without being too indulgent. The music is nostalgic and there is a sense of time and place, with an authentic Christmassy-feel and a touch of Italy as well. It doesn't make the mistake of most Hallmark Christmas films in being too constant or too loud. There is some nice sympathetic direction going on here and there.

Moreover, Chabert is very appealing and shows why she deserves to be one of Hallmark's most regular lead actresses. Sam Page is charismatic and has charm, he interacts very well with Chabert. They seem connected and to me there was the sense that they were in love. Hallmark don't always fare well having likeable lead characters, they're likeable here. The rest of the cast do well, Franco Nero does well with the little he has to work with.

It is a shame though that the dialogue is very vapid and can be too cheesy, silly and saccharine. The corn and sugar became too hard to take. The story is pretty much the same recycled plot elements seen in most Hallmark Christmas films with the only difference being the setting, while also being very thin and lacking in energy. 'Christmas in Rome' works well as a travelogue and a love letter to Rome but as a coherent and involving story it is a failure.

Other parts of the direction are routine and character changes and motivations can happen out of the blue and too quickly.

Summing up, the production values and acting were fine but the writing and story needed a lot more work. 6/10
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