Breathe (2014)
Fast paced, very interesting to watch
6 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think that this film is amazing. Five minutes into it and I'm completely sucked into the story of the film. I've got to say, a brilliant job done with the casting, I think this is one of the films for me that actors look perfect for their parts. Not to mention what an incredible job they've done. "Respire" unravels itself so seamlessly, every scene yielding importance yet ties to each other so well that I've not once, while watching the film, realize that the characters I'm seeing on screen are merely fictional.

When we watch a film, we bring our own expectations into it, the outcome of the characters, and for this film, I found myself sympathizing with not only Charlie, the main character protagonist but also Sarah, who is causing distress to Charlie.

I think this movie speaks about morals, we watch as both Charlie and Sarah, two characters fragile in their adolescence, balancing on thin ropes, and we watch closely as every choice they make is a leaning action towards either side of morality: which questions fundamentally, what does it mean to be a good friend, or even, what does it mean to be a good person?

The film reaches beyond what we would expect to be the ending of a story. It felt like it went off the script of a screenplay and dived into reality where we as the audience are in the characters' shoes, living the realistic absurdity of events and the unexplainable emotions that we experience.
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