Thirteen episodes of "Nothing ever really changes".
6 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The title "The Unknown Hitman: The Story of El Cholo Adrían," will have you wondering, as "El Cholo" Adrian is never portrayed as a hit man, and he is far from obscure. El Cholo becomes "el patron" of a drug trafficking cartel - not exactly a low-profile position.

In comparison to his totally amoral detractors and competitors, the somewhat complex El Cholo initially conducts the business with a modicum of a soul and personal code. Nearly every other principle character is a one-sided caricature. His first girlfriend "Valeria" is a vain and vacuous beauty. His second girlfriend and eventual wife "Karla" is obsessed with becoming a singing star despite the danger to her and El Cholo's unborn baby. She frequently performs before or after a comedian who Is unfathomably vulgar and obnoxious. Competing drug lord-ess "Coty" Is ruthless and a sexual predator. General Garrido uses the military to strong-arm politicians, all of whom lie, cheat, and deal to get what they want. The result -- you find yourself cheering for El Cholo because he represents the least of evils, up to the point he sinks to the level of those around him.

A couple of lapses to watch for: In true old-west style gunfights, El Cholo wields a pair of pistols, never aims, and never runs out of ammo as he dodges hails of bullets. At several singing engagements, Karla's pants fit like a second skin, but without visible indication of her pregnancy which, once discovered, is pronounced "far along." In subsequent scenes, Karla goes from svelte to "baby bump" to full maternity garb virtually overnight. Belinda's bandaged hand (a result of having a finger cut off by her kidnappers) remains bandaged for what seems like months. In one scene, we see the unbandaged hand holding a phone, and all the fingers are there.

"The Unknown Hitman: The Story of El Cholo Adrían" is 13 episodes of mindless entertainment, which can still work late-night, although the subtitles flash by at times. The loose ends of the last episode could simply be a messy conclusion to the series, or the seed for a Season 3, the need for which is debatable. We already got the message well before the end of Season 2 -- the players change; the story remains the same.
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