Donald and Pete....two Disney jerks!
4 July 2020
In this Disney short, Donald Duck has a new neighbor, a real jerk played by Pete. Immediately after moving in, Pete starts throwing trash onto Donald's lawn and then 'borrows' everything in Donald's fridge. Soon, Pete's behaviors are so awful that the easily angered Donald loses his cool and an all out war takes place. You really can't blame Donald too much...Pete is simply awful. And, it is HIGHLY entertaining watching this war get worse and worse and worse...culminating with the local news covering it like a sporting event....and spectators egging them both on to do more!

In the 1950s, many familiar Disney characters seemed to mellow with age...particularly Mickey. However, in this one, Donald hasn't mellowed and the cartoon is violent...exactly the sort of unsophisticated stuff people prefer! A very good and enjoyable outing for the duck.
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