Slasher: In the Pride of His Face (2016)
Season 1, Episode 7
When A Killer Kills Another
3 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sarah wants to know every detail why Tom Winston killed her Mother and her husband. We go back to 1988, the beginning scene of this show the murders of Bryan and Rachel Ingram. Rachel told Tom that he is the father of the baby, Rachel was in love with Tom but he killed her with a knife trough her throat. Cam found a diary from 'The Executioner', Sarah and Tom are the new targets. Sarah found Dylan his website and everything he researched before he dated her. Cam informs Sarah that she is on the killer list. Tom strangled Sharma in the hospital car after that he strangled the Paramedic. Tom Winston escaped from the car and is at Sarah's house he threatens Sarah and Cam with a gun. Tom takes Sarah with him to a campfire, Tom got a unknown attack at the campfire. Sarah and Tom got ubducted by 'The Executioner', Sarah sinned when she tried to kill herself. Tom tells 'The Executioner' that he killed Bryan and Rachel because of pride and ego he didn't do god's work. 'The Executioner' let Sarah go but Tom sacrifices himself for her. Tom jumped into the spinning sharp wheel, so much blood spreaded he died instantly. Best episode after the Series premiere such good acting and writing, with the bloody and emotional death of Tom Winston and a good pre final for a real climax in the final.
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