Chuck: Chuck Versus the Other Guy (2010)
Season 3, Episode 13
A happy (soft) ending?
30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was meant to be the last. Until they got another 9 to extend the season.

With the ring possibly defeated, Shaw the hero, and Beckman still not sure of Chuck, Sarah and Shaw go to France to hunt down the ring's cipher. What follows is a very pleasant journey tieing up loose ends.

Don't read any more if you haven't seen this episode.

If, like me, you never liked Shaw then the twists and turns this episode brings makes you realise that nagging doubts you had were right.

If the series ended here, you'd have thought it was a travesty that such a brilliant programme had to end, like firefly. However you would also leave happy and content knowing they were together, Casey and Morgan were in the team and the baddies seemingly finished. Though you may also wonder what lay in store, such as marriage, etc. And wish for more.

Despite the many great episodes to come, the travesty of the final ending in season 5 far overrides this. Its a pain I still feel. So do yourself a favour and either stop here or wait until the next soft ending (there is another, it's quite obvious, if you want even more joy. With some exceptional episodes to follow, especially the next) and live a happy life 😉
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