Disclosure (II) (2020)
Full Disclosure
30 June 2020
Disclosure is a well-acted and thoughtful film that could easily have been a play but does a lot with its single location and miniscule cast and budget. It deals with a single afternoon in which two couples clash in increasingly ugly ways over an accusation made by one of their children against another. The premise itself reminded me quite a bit of 2011's "Carnage", although I actually think it gets better results than Polanski did, and with a much thornier topic.

While it does a detailed and subtle job of equally portraying the realities of the four principle characters, it seems (inevitably, in 2020) to come down on the side of 'believe all unfounded accusations any female makes against any male, no matter how old' and therefore on the side of treating 9 year old children like 50-year old repeat sex offenders. Which I guess is what the glowing reviews mean when they say it's "timely".

The basic struggle at the centre could have been dealt with in less-than feature-length time, and, while it is not dull, or poorly told, it does feel like it drags a little. Having said that, I appreciate what it tries to do and so recommend watching the once, with the above reservations.

(6½ stars out of 10)
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