Game of Thrones: The Dragon and the Wolf (2017)
Season 7, Episode 7
Worse finale than other seasons
30 June 2020
Although there are intense moments, overall the end of this season is worse than the others and predisposes you to what is badly written in the long-awaited last season. 1) It is incomprehensible that the two queens did not clash, something that was expected at the end of last season. 2) The story of Knight King seems to be at its peak, but knowing what will follow just overwhelms you with frustration. 3) Sorry to spoil it, but the Jon-Daenerys romance is desirable for fans but it didn't tie the story. It was just used to rush things in the end. Especially if we think that such a romance probably doesn't exist in the books that will be published and it's just a directing / screenwriting trick to push the story to the end, then the frustration for such an inspiration is even greater. I think the episode is overrated and is for a brave 7/10.
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