Not bad.
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really need to check out more "Masters of Horror" episodes. I have watched at least 2 or 3 episodes before, by chance, but never really got into it. Not because of the quality, just it wasn't a priority. Tom Holland's entry to the series, from the second season had an eye catching title to go along with its delicious looking poster artwork. You know, I could go for caramel ice cream right now.

Being that the tasty concept involves ice cream, expect moments of gooey melting CG and squishy practical FX. There are some fun sweet tooth moments involving parents falling victim to voodoo ice cream that their children chomp down on. The hot tub sequence is the pick of the lot. Another childlike instrument; a clown... who becomes a wraith along with his phantom ice cream truck. Holland gets some atmospheric shots of this vehicle in motion. Along with the alluring ice-cream tune, steaming frost engulfing the truck and a creepy William Forsythe under clown make-up whispering away. The rest of the cast were rather listless.

The short story tells that of a group of kids years ago who pull a prank on their mentally slow local ice cream delivery man and accidently kill him. Now as adults, the spirit has risen from the grave to exact its vengeance on the men, by using their children as a tool of their demise. The plot throws you right into the unusual events, exploiting fears and guilt, but doesn't really offer up anything new from it, reminding me of a slight, predictable mash of "It" and "The Piped Piper". While silly, it's played with a straight-face that it would've worked better as a straight-up dark comedy.
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