The Amazing Race: Double U-Turn Ahead (2017)
Season 29, Episode 6
The worst episode!
29 June 2020
Like one user said, it was the worst leg design. But more than that, apparently all of the remaining teams bought into this notion that this is a "social" game, so when a team is not as sociable, they are gifted with being marked for a U-Turn. In high school culture, yes. With a bunch of whiny adult contestants who are very annoying, that was a bad signal for Vanck and Ashton. Let's face it, Vanck was bullied for being the silent "Asian Guy". He's a very nice person and is 180 different from his partner, who is very opinionated and remembers being slighted by two slithering snakes. For some childish and naive reason, they were marked. They're not the strongest group and are not a threat. However, they're the least sociable group which is nearsighted optics, but more likely by dishonest gossip spread by those same two aforementioned snakes, were most disliked. What a bunch of kniving, wretched, and spineless contestants - this entire cast. It was hard to watch. There is a reason why this season was low-rated overall. This particular episode factors into that overall rating heavily.
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