dead average sci fi -- aims not clear
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not bad. Basic plot and acting are fine. One extended scene is pretty darn good. But this movies does not seem to have a real plot, other than a very vague visit from space aliens. But as for a space-invasion movie, this was all done 50 years ago. The movie itself clearly references the old Twilight Zone; this would have been a very run-of-the-mill Twilight Zone episode (30 minutes). There are no special effects, no aliens, no spade-ships, no battles with aliens. The movie is more centered on the characters and their reactions to the situation. If this was meant to be a "throw back" to sci-fi stories from the 1960's, then it achieved that. But then again I'm not really sure who wants to watch a re-make of a Bonanza episode, or a My Favorite Martian show. The suspense is good; but I guess the problem is that there is no delivery on the back end. If the point of the movie is "aliens come to earth and take some humans," then we have already seen that better done many times (e.g. Close Encounters). A few devices in the plot seem a bit odd too. For example, that the telephone operator would be so fascinated by that sound is odd. She would just think it's a strange glitch. Certainly in that time period the switchboard technology would sometimes fail or produce static or strange noises. Then, the one guy calls into the radio station to say that he heard that same noise before; but again this noise is not really that distinctive; it's just like radio static and squeaking. But OK: But even then his story does not really make a strong link between that noise and aliens. Then, there is the lady who calls the station to give another story; her story is not related to that noise at all, but is simply a weird story about her son whom she things was abducted (by "people in the sky"--hmm); but this does not in any way tie into previous story, other than that the first caller vaguely suggested an alien-connection with the phone noise, and she has formed an alien theory. This is OK, and watchable, but it seems to be in a no-man's-land and has a somewhat peculiar story line.
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