The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great game with plenty of unwarranted hate. Never has a game come out with this many gamers missing the mark of the story. It's very to sad to see how many people didn't actually even realize what this story was trying to ultimately convey about the cycle of violence. The game shows the impact one act of violence can have and the domino effect it creates. Not some generic revenge story with a perfect good guy wins resolution. Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey both deliver excellent performances alongside a great script and story. Gameplay is brutal and crunchy making the player feel every gun shot and every swing of Ellie's knife. Gameplay is mixed up with the player taking on the game from a Abbys perspective showing a different perspective of the story. With the game originally creating a strong hate for Abby, over your time with her you start to understand and sympathize her as a character understanding that her motivations and experiences aren't that different than Ellie's. This proved to be a great addition showing how non black and white the story is. Makes you rethink everything you thought you knew and makes you question between what's right and what's wrong and more importantly who's in the right and wrong in this situation, Ellie or Abby? That is the question that many gamers will be asking themselves well playing, and it's not a easy one to answer, even though at first it may seem to be. The Last of Us Part 2 is not a game that many will understand or appreciate. It's not a story everyone will enjoy not necessarily because it is bad, but because it requires the player to look into the story critically, being open minded, sometimes putting emotion to the side to better understand the actions of the characters and their motivations, and even trying to put yourself in the shoes of both Abby and Ellie to better grasp their thinking/headspace. Overall The Last of Us Part 2 is a masterfully crafted game with a incredibly in depth and mind provoking story. I beg anyone to try the game for themselves before making up their mind as I'm sure it will be worth your while.
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