Simple Yet Effective
26 June 2020
Stuck Between Stations is a simple yet effective film that is definitely a mood. It takes place over the span of one night where we follow a soldier who is at home but getting ready to be deployed again. He runs into a high school acquaintance at a bar who he used to be attracted to and a little bit obsessed with, and the rest of the film is us following them through their night. The film moves at a steady pace and has a soothing quality about it. It's an extremely easy watch. During the night they encounter old friends of theirs. The soldiers friends bring up issues with his life decisions and the morality of being a tool for the military industrial complex and corporations while committing atrocities abroad, yet everyone is cordial and things are friendly during these discussions. It eventually becomes evident that the soldier is suffering from early signs of PTSD and begins to question his life decisions by the end of the film. He does everything he can to avoid the topic in detail, until he eventually opens up about his feelings. All that being said, this is just the backdrop to an otherwise light-hearted movie. Conversations are had over past traumas and just life in general. It invokes some sense of nostalgia in that it gets you to think about your own life choices and goals and what not, but not in a heavy handed way at all. It is a very sweet film and has a feel good quality about it that is reminiscent to films such as 'The Sunrise-Sunset-Midnight' trilogy. If you are easily "bored" and not a fan of methodically paced and simple films, then this won't be for you. Otherwise, I really enjoyed this and would recommend it.
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