Out of this world - Complex feelings laid raw
25 June 2020
This is a wonderful film directed by Giuseppe Piccioni and starring the superlative actors Margherita Buy and Silvio Orlando. A nun (Buy) finds herself in the care of an abandoned baby wrapped in a jumper with a laundry tag that leads her to laundry owner (Orlando). Thus events are set in motion which cause both the leads to re-examine their lives, their goals and their aspirations.

Rarely do films delve so deeply into the psyche of the characters but this is one film that manages to do it, largely due to a very, very well written script on which director Piccioni collaborated.

Both Margherita Buy and Silvio Orlando give restrained and well-balanced performances which are never maudlin, and which feel so real.

Another plus is the soundtrack by master pianist Ludovico Einaudi which complements the mood so beautifully.
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