Puppet Show (2008 Video)
You get what get... junk.
23 June 2020
A friend lent it to me and said I should check it out. I looked at him suspiciously when I saw the cover, but 99% of the time we come to the same agreement. Shot-on-video, Z-grade horror that's strangely hypnotic. Far from good, but it kept me watching. Maybe out of curiosity?

Now it's amtuerish, somewhat padded (for only an hour length film), female nudity runs freely and it's clumsy all round. Would I recommend it? Probably not. But these films do have their fans.

Still there are some unintentionally goofball moments. The malicious, but jittery looking possessed puppet takes the cake. That laugh... at times made it sound like it was off its face. The knife it carried about, was constantly changing size. And how about those out-of-nowhere gratitious toilet scenes. Even then there's something rather cruel and downbeat to how it plays out. Making it a real jarring experience to sit through.
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