Hexing (2017)
Not Artistic or Visionary, 10 star reviews are fakes
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a one star, but I could not in good conscious give it four. It's a pretty solid Three (3) but I can see why a lot of people would give it only 1 ot 2, just terrible. Also the opening still shot of Notre Dam everyone raves about looks like the 'Toy' or miniature filter on my cheap camera. A 10 year old could have taken that shot, and probably did. Direction and editing is pathetic, almost nothing makes sense.

Awful cinematography, worse script, and awful bad acting, I mean really bad. Expressionless monotone, unreasonable & unrealistic reactions OR ridiculous overly theatrical facial expressions and exaggerated body language - maybe those actors are used to the exaggeration required for a stage performance but comes off hokey and bad on screen, and really most were just wooden and stiff.

One woman treats this man like garbage, but when he's dead in jail she RUNS out the building crying and arms pinwheeling (I mean flailing arms spinning like pinwheels - like Chevy Chase pretending to fall, okay?) shouting "jake's dead, jake's dead" - the most 'emotion' evinced and looked like a clown.

In another scene 'bad boss' is screaming at the top of his lungs, shrieking in broad daylight lunchtime in a restaurant filled with people sitting at tables and no one even turns their head . Then before anything weird happens the girl screams his name twice, I thought the chandelier was about to fall on his head, but I guess she was trying to warn him about something that doesn't make sense. Then he starts bashing his head on the countertop laughing maniacally while ihs employees say 'no,don't do it' without much conviction and there are no background screams, I mean if that happened while I was at lunch I would scream or say OMG somebody stop him, something. It's like nobody knew it was happening - then blood splatter flies all over this girl's face and she winces but her expression doesn't change and she's not horrified, doesn't scream or cry, just nothing. The story description should not have divulged what is essentially a "late in the movie" reveal - that I didn't even fully understand when it was revealed, gI only understood it go cursed, not that his stupid needy ghost was attached..

It's all over the map, almost nothing understandable without a character explaining fully every key aspect of the movie. For example: "Oh the day just got worse,he's the resident dirty copy" - man acts like a cartoon character of a dirty cop in a bad movie, grab's one girl's ass and then, when she slaps him (but doesn't rebuke him,just stands there like a mannequin, staring at him) he gets up and hisses something in her ear wiggling his tongue 'ominously' and like he's licking the edge of her ear but she has zero expression on her face. Bad Boss is also a one dimensional cartoon character.

There is no character development and you pretty much hate everybody, they all have no personality and no emotion other than screaming boss and sleazebag cop who's a pervert and you never even find out what does he have to do with anything?? NOTHING: They just say 'he's a dirty cop, he acts sleazy and arrogant, then he stabs himself in the throat with a bottle. Why does he even go to that restaurant? It's not bar or a club, makes almost no money, it's only open from about 10 to 5. It's not even a restaurant it's a bakery that sells like tea and cakes or something, with 'chocolate sauce' and 'fresh cream'. Dirty cops go to bars,clubs & strip joints - where the action is. Not a 'couples' and old lady tea & cake bakery.

Oh and there were a few special effects, which were terrible, high school beginner amateur quality and could have been done with an online editing software. '

Editing: A Man standing in waist deep water falls backwards and underwater shot it must be 20 feet deep - he's sinking and looks dead in the water, there's no bottom to stand on. When he pops back up (in reverse rewind of the fall) it's barely up to his chest, then he's hugging his daughter and they're almost on the shore with surf rushing in below their knees.
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