Not your typical "deep I; the heart of..." movie.
22 June 2020
The chief warrior of a Masai village is found dead on the savanna, from a lion attack. A drought ensues and the land, animals, and villagers are dying. The elders decide that the best way to bring the rain back is to send warriors to kill god's lion and bring back the mane. But the only warrior is an old, infirm man. Nine of the "boys", the males in their late teens and early twenties, are "men" and know nothing of the hunt.

The boys leave to hunt and kill the lion. They are attacked by a belligerent tribe, fall victim to hunger and thirst, and two of the group end up wounded. In their wanderings, they are saved by a tribe and eventually find the lion.

It is a bittersweet story showing the changes in people as they mature into their roles in their society. Some people mature into a role no one thinks they are suited for.

Definitely worth a second and third screening.
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