Not as bad or as good as reviews are saying
21 June 2020
At the time of this review there are whole bunch of 2 and 3 star ratings, a whole bunch of 9 and 10 star ratings, and not much in between. This movie is neither as good or as bad as people say it is. It's mediocre; which is to say it's entertaining enough, and does do a couple of interesting things different from the first two in the series. Among these, OMC3 taps into the beginning of cell phone and smartphone culture/obsession with its fairly hilarious satire on device users' constant checking of their cell phones and (in this case, literal) clamoring to always have our cell phones with us.

The very ending of the flick is muddled and lacks internal logic with respect to the rules the movie sets up earlier on. Also, the lead-up to the ending is cumbersome, feel-good silliness (although now that I think of it maybe this too is part of the satirical aspect... Hmm...) Nonetheless, OMC3 it's still better than some other J-horror movies, and worth a look for the J-horror completist.
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