Millennium: Sacrament (1997)
Season 1, Episode 15
My Devil Daddy made me do it!
17 June 2020
This was an enjoyable enough episode.

We get the cliche of "you're too close to this case" thing.

We get to meet Frank's brother. I guess stoicism runs in the family. If I was him, given the nature of what happens in this episode, I would stay far far away from Frank from now on. Eek.

His sister in law is basically just here to be a victim. We don't learn anything about her or her experiences. I think they could have handled that side of the episode better. Then we might have been more invested in her rescue. As it was I didn't particularly care if she was saved or not. Kinda hoping she died actually but oh well.

Daughters gift is popping up again. I hope they do something interesting with that. She's always just been this annoying bubbly thing running around in the background of the show. It'd be nice to see some darkness take hold there.

It's always fun to have a Satanic theme. I had a feeling the parents knew something about the crimes. The actor who plays the mad torturer does a fine job of acting sufficiently creepy.

Solid episode that continues with the tone of the show nicely.
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