It's The Little Things You Do Together
17 June 2020
D.A. Pennebaker got roped into this as the first of a projected series of TV shows showing the recording process. After they wrapped and sold it to Chrysler, Pennebaker called up the guy's office to ask what the next one would be. He was now running MGM.

That's show biz for you. What we have left of the projected series is this one 58-minute piece, in which we get to witness Sondheim and his collaborators gathered in a recording studio to make one for the permanent record. It's from the period when Sondheim was erasing the line between recitiative and and lyrical songs, with Beth Howland singing the impossible patter song "I'm Not Getting Married Today", and that magnificent broad Elaine Stritch leading in "The Little Things"..... and blowing take after take, according to the professionals, of "The Ladies Who Lunch"..... despite the fact that I think the first take on film is the best emotionally.

What I don't understand is how bad the songs sound on on the movie. Certainly my cd of the show seem much better.
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