Wonderful blend of genres with a bit of depth hidden hidden under the silliness.
12 June 2020
"AGM" begins with classic tropes and appears to be another run of the mill "new kid on campus" anime, but by the end of the first episode it's made a left turn into the bizarre and the viewer is left thinking it's going to be a harem.

Before long the series it does another turn, changing the focus again, but instead of feeling like a directionless anime the viewer begins to realize the casual and often silly show is growing the characters slowly and building the protagonist into something more than the typical letch.

By the last few episodes it's done another change of direction, adds some more serious character interactions, grown the "harems" depth a little more and suddenly gotten a bit dark.

When the credits roll I was pleased to see something with originality that also had a slightly off beat ending and left me wanting more even after giving the viewers some closure.

  • Fun characters.
  • Good balance of genres.
  • Amusing and seemingly original ideas.
  • English Dubbing.
  • An OVA with dubbing.
  • No crazy "Fan Service" detracting from the story.

  • Only one season.
  • Some predictability.
  • Inconsistent animation at times.
  • OVA's hard time find on standard streaming services.
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