The Droving (2020)
C'mon you know this isn't a great movie!
12 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this film isn't worth writing a review but because of the obvious fake/paid/friends and family reviews I feel like it's needed.

Before I start I want to point out that this was not a horrible movie, I've seen worse for sure. I liked a few bits here and there and the general premise is good. However, there were a lot of things that didn't work for me. I would have given it 4 stars if the ending wasn't so unsatisfactory. I also think the run-time could have been cut back some without losing any major plot points.

The scenery was pretty in some shots but I believe they should have been shorter and I don't watch movies for the scenery. The acting was mediocre at best for most of the cast. Jonathan Lawrence Risdon as the Hermit was absolutely horrible - had to fast-forward.

Spoilers past this point ****

Martin (Daniel Oldroyd) was not very believable in his role. He did okay with dialogue and fake out scenes but when he was supposed to be menacing or tough in any way it was laughable. He isn't physically built for this type of roll and he doesn't have the look or personality for it. We don't get much backstory but we get enough to know that he's supposed to be able to torture information out of people and has done so professionally for some time. So why did he mess up when getting revenge?

Why did they choose the Husky mask as the cover when it's in the movie for about 5 minutes?

Were we supposed to care about what happened to the sister when all we did was watch her drink wine? Why was her boyfriend even in the movie? His lines were pointless.

Why did Martin march up to Tess's house like he was going to bust through the door when he found out she may have had more information about his sister's disappearance and then just have a regular conversation? Sure, he made some threats but they weren't believable.

Why did we have to watch him eat a couple slices of apple for minutes? Was it to show he had a knife? How did the gang not see the knife? That's all you're going to eat before hiking all over the place? I didn't mind the fight scene since this was obviously low-budget, it was timed pretty well, and I'm sick of the typical "fight sounds" that you here in blockbuster movies. It was still laughable but I'll let that slide.

So then the guy that claims everyone who believes the legend is a psycho just switches over to psycho too at the end? What a waste of time!
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