Stuart Erwin & Helen Chandler
12 June 2020
I watched this little Grand National film expecting little. I wanted to see Helen Chandler's last film. I had a crush on Helen since I first saw Dracula on TV when I was a kid. From the opening moments I had a smile on my face. Stuart Erwin decides to step out in the world and make his mark. He moves to a small town (where no one has a job) to buy a barrel factory. The barrel factory has one customer, a Pickle manufacturer, and that business is struggling.

Erwin has a habit of reciting meaningless statistics in the middle of conversations, causing confusion for all. Helen Chandler plays his only employee. Is the company losing money? As Helen tells Erwin early on, "If you stay here long enough, you'll be wearing one (a barrel)" The odds are all against Erwin, can he possibly make the business a success?

Chandler and Erwin are very good here. It's surprising this was her last film. She's very good. Beautiful Toby Wing is also in the cast. She plays a snobby society dame who Erwin covets. This is a fun film, one of the best Grand National films I have seen.
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