Kill me now
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This series has it all: Cancer, dementia, suicide, 2 cripples, a wife beater, an old man who has had a stroke, can't talk, and walks around acting like an imbecile, a mother who tries to kill her 6 year old daughter, people who treat their relatives and oldest friends like dirt, - my God are people in Korea really like this? No, they can't be. Characters that are depicted like this are unrealistic because someone would have beat some sense into them or at least turned their back on them long ago. The people who wrote this depressing series must hate people, especially old people.

Just when I didn't think it could get any weirder, in episode 14 the gorgeous female lead stands in front of the bathroom mirror slapping herself in the face. Other than horrible, despicable, unbelievable characters, and weak pointless writing the actors are all good, the Slovenia locations are beautiful, and the production values are good.

However, there are lots of highly improbable scenes for example, when Park Wan comes running down after her mother's surgery and sees her boyfriend sitting there in his wheelchair... she stops, doesn't say anything, then runs past him. I don't think so. He came all the way from Slovenia, she would have said something.

It's one improbable scene after another and then a few episodes later a character flashes back and you have to sit through the same stupid scene again. There is a lot wrong with this idea and it's execution, from the opening attempted suicide to the inane mud fight at the end. Just skip it.
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