Blue's Clues & You: Sad Day with Blue (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Wait... They actually made Blue's Sad Day WORSE than the original series did????????
4 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Blue's Sad Day to me is the most miserable and unpleasant episode in the entire series, I cannot for the life of me STAND what they did with it, and now I see the remake actually managed to make it even worse!

So just like the original Blue is upset because she got bullied at school by getting her blocks repeatedly knocked down everytime she built them up, but this time instead of a green puppy being the one doing it, it was MAGENTA, AKA Blue's BEST FRIEND. That was literally the one and only change that was made here, it still has Blue try to say how she feels and that she doesn't want her blocks knocked down only for the culprit to continue knocking them down anyways leaving Blue no choice but to swallow her pride and give up some of her blocks which somehow manages to fix everything.

The original episode already made me angry enough by screwing up the ending and making it seem like what it was trying to tell us to do towards the beginning is useless. But having Magenta being the one bullying Blue, that is a new low for the episode itself. I would've hoped they'd learn from the mistake they made 20 years ago and fix the ending by having Magenta apologize for knocking down Blue's blocks and agreeing to stop doing it, but they didn't! They kept everything exactly the same except for having Magenta be the culprit instead of the green puppy. I may love the remake of the show but this is the one episode that I beg and plead everyone to just stay as far away from as possible.
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