Review of Icicle

Stargirl: Icicle (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
This show really keeps surprising me
2 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't really expecting much from this show, just more of the same superhero stuff we also have in The Flash and Supergirl, and it does have that, but it also has something I didn't expect: Quite a few surprising deaths so far... And I like it, alot.

I thought this would be super light-hearted, noone would die, but nope.

And the writing is very solid, not many cringy lines in the first few episodes.

The choreography with the staff is the weakest part for me so far, cause that always looks kinda rodiculous, like you know that every one of those stunts is done on wires and it just looks weird and too over the top.

Anyway, I'll definitely continue this, pretty good.
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