Sharpening The Claws
1 June 2020
I've always been a huge Catwoman fan, so I was excited to see that the series kicks off with her in a central role. Turns out that With Red Claw actually two female villains are introduced in the first episode. I don't know if that's significant or not but it's interesting and shows where we are in the culture. I guess it could be interpreted as an empowering message for girls - you can be a terrorist leader or burglar too! Great?

The story itself is pretty cliche but that's ok, it's only episode 1 after all and it allows you to focus on character and mood. We have the classic jewel heist, the skyscraper chases, the villainous lair with a movable floor, the gangsters and guns, the witty one liners.

The idea of Ms Kyle having a kitty accomplice named Isis draped around her neck is definitely a Catwoman idea I haven't seen before. The cat seemed to provide comic relief? I don't know, it's a ridiculous thing to scale skyscrapers with a cat draped around your neck but it's only a cartoon after all.

The relationship dynamic between Batman and Catwoman has always been a tense and fascinating one. I hope they explore how Mr Wayne is torn between justice & Lust / intrigue in later episodes.

The idea of Gotham having some random potential reserve for wild cats on its outskirts is kinda goofy. But I guess it makes sense if Selena Kyle set it up.

Let's see if all of the parts come to something bigger and better later on in the series.
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