Ok, now I'm angry
1 June 2020
This was an interesting and intriguing documentary about two, primarily, regular people who watched a YouTube video of a young man commit a horrendous act of killing two kittens that went viral. He does more and cleverly taunts people to catch him along the way.

We're drawn into a compelling investigation by these two using incredible and impressive means on the internet to figure out who and where he is before he'll likely do something more. Perhaps, move from animals to murdering a human being.

He does. Our protagonists are ignored, at first, with their discoveries and warnings to the police about this vain, fame-seeking narcissistic psychopath. Of course I wanted to finish the series and discover if, how, when and where he would be caught.

At the end, the two internet sleuths discuss whether they should make the documentary at all and further enhance the killer's desire for infamy.

Since I'm watching it, they obviously decided to go forward. One of them asks if she's complicit to his crimes by broadcasting them via a high profile documentary series.

She then turns to the camera to ask me, the viewer, if I'm complicit too for watching and suggests that perhaps it's time to turn off the machine.

Screw you, lady. What should have happened? You present us with a well made investigation and then shame us for watching? Bizarre and infuriating.
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