Squanders huge potential
31 May 2020
Much like a young English prodigy, the First Team had a lot of potential...
  • On paper it'a a great premise
  • A few laugh out loud moments, best one for me was episode 1 with Cesare exclaiming "I not pr*ck, THEY pr*ck!"
  • It is very watchable despite its flaws
  • The central three are somewhat likeable

But also, much like a young English prodigy, it proved a damp, forgettable squib...
  • poor choice to have an American protagonist in my opinion. Jake Short doesn't quite have the comedic chops despite giving it his all, and the yanks don't really 'get' British football
  • another reviewer praises the female character who tries to whip them into shape; I thoroughly disagree - she's painfully unfunny, her delivery is forced, and she's utterly unlikeable.
  • the show wastes a good premise with gags that miss the mark 8 times out of ten, and I spotted a number of recycled inbetweeners jokes in there.
  • when in doubt, it opts for gross out / shock humour

It's a shame they couldn't give Will Arnett more screen time (presumably he'd cost too much).

Overall, a bit of a disappointment, but I'd be interested to see what direction a second series would take (though I am doubtful it will be renewed).
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